Faqs, Guidelines and Disclaimers

Moto Bobblehead - Offices: California, USA | Birmingham, UK

Faqs and Guidelines

Guidelines for image submission

Ensure your images are of highest quality possible, lower quality images will yield lower quality results. Do not submit images or requests via our social media, they must be emailed to us directly or loaded via the site. Ensure there is no obstruction in front of the head (read below FAQ for further information on exceptions to this). Finally do not submit multiple images if you do not intend to purchase as only one image will be edited

How long will it take for me to receive my image?
With offices in the USA and UK we operate pretty much 24 hours a day however we do receive hundreds of requests a day so we aim to respond to all emails within 24 hours; however most emails are usually responded to within 24 hours.
How big should my picture be?
We can work on any picture however low resolution or pixelated pictures will result in pixelated Bobbleheads as we can only use image data from what is available in the image. It's in your interest to send high resolution images so you are not disappointed with the results and we recommend an 8 megapixel image (Standard iPhone 6) for best results. We have worked on images as low as 600px x 400px but expect different results from such varying qualities.
How much is it per image?
For the Basic Bobble the price is £5 per Bobble or £10 for 3 Bobbles (This also includes 3 heads in one image). Premium Bobbles vary and must be quoted but start from £10. These prices are in GBP
How do I pay for my images?
Make payment to our paypal account via our submit an image page and make sure to let us know which image you wanted.
How many images can I submit?
Online you can submit a maximum of 5 images at a maximum combined size of 15MB. If you require more please contact us
Are there any limits to what can be Bobbled?
We cannot Bobble a head with an obstruction infront of it. We can in special circumstance reconstruct but this will have to be quoted separately via the the Premium Bobble option.
Can I have my image featured on the website or social media?
Unfortunately due to the volume of of images edited a day we cannot take requests to feature images and the posting of images is at MotoBobbleheads discretion.
Can I re-post my Bobblehead?
Yes. Once you have paid for your image you can do what you please with it, we only ask when posting on social media to credit us by tagging @moto_bobblehead.


When submitting your images to MotoBobbleheads you are confirming you are the owner or have the rights to distribute the image(s) in question and you agree for MotoBobbleheads to use, display and/or redistribute the initially submitted and edited images. Motobobbleheads will not be liable for any copyright infringement from parties submitting an image.

Submission of an image to Motobbobleheads is not a confirmation of work to be carried out however we endeavor to ensure all messages are responded to and unacceptable pictures highlighted.

All payments must be made in GBP before receipt of your image(s).

See all works on Instagram